the Church of Jesus Christ stand condemned because of its despicable and
cowardly silence on the Abortion Holocaust?
By: James E. Buchanan, III
CEO/Information Architect
The answer is hell yes (and we use the world hell with a crystal clear understanding.)
It's not the Supreme Court that we need to be dealing with;
it's North American pastors, priests, rabbis, bishops, ministers, clerics and other higher and lower level Church officials; who are not only doing nothing to stop the
bloody scourge and literal murder of Innocent Unborn Baby Humans... but are
also profiting through grants, special fellowships and various other 'Faith-Based Handouts'
from the federal government; for keeping their ecclesiastical mouths shut,
remaining slavishly complicit and continuing to tow the line of the New Order
of the Ages; through direct and indirect association with secret fraternal
orders, high-level, government associations, covens, Lodges, Temples,
fraternities and sororities.
Are you yet sitting back in your easy chair, watching your big screen TV without a care in the world, wondering why we are so vehemently angry;because this Republic is exterminating
2,000,000+ Innocent Unborn Baby Humans every year (that makes the Holocaust,
the Civil War, the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade, both World Wars and all of the
wars in between look like a leisurely stroll in Central Park) and counting?
If you are yet sitting on your hind-quarters on the fence of
ignorant and unlearned political correctness, please allow us to inform you
and your family; that since you already know that the bloody murder of the
Innocent Unborn Baby Humans is a high crime that stinks within the very
nostrils of Father God himself, you are going to be accountable on the Day of
Furthermore, for
those of you who choose to whore-ship on the Day of the Sun, Father God is
holding you accountable right this instant for flatly refusing to speak up for
the Innocent Unborn Baby Humans. You come together to whore-ship the Lord with
your mouths, but your hearts are far from Him; the Creator and Sustainer of all life.
There is a dark, hazy cloud that is festering over North America
this instant... and the depths of hell are hot!
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