
Showing posts from June, 2012

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JAH-BUL-ON: The True god of Freemasonry

Explaining the Royal Arch Degree of Freemasonry JAH-BUL-ON This Judaeo-Masonic name for the 'Masonic Christ' is derived from 4 different languages : CHALDAEA - (JAH)   This is the Chaldaean name for the Masonic god ; signifying that ‘his essence and majesty is incomprehensible.' HEBREW - (JAH)  This is a Hebrew word signifying ‘I am and shall be’, thereby expressing the actual essence, future, and eternal existence of (TMH) The Most High . SYRIAC - (BUL)  This is a Syriac word denoting Lord, or Powerful, it is in itself a compound word, being formed from the preposition Beth, in or on, and UL, Heaven or on High. EGYPTIAN - (ON) This is an Egyptian word signifying 'Father of All', as in that well known prayer, Our Father, which art in Heaven. The various significations of the word may thus be collected: I am and shall be; Lord in Heaven or on High.’ Be very sure... what i...

Patents Support Oklahoma Senator’s Bill to Ban Use of Aborted Fetal Tissues in Food Research

BY  BEN JOHNSON Thu Jan 26, 2012 15:52 EST Comments (14) Tags:  Abortion ,  Pepsi ,  Senomyx OKLAHOMA CITY, OK, January 26, 2012, ( ) – While an Oklahoma state senator has come under heavy fire for proposing a bill to ban the use of aborted “human fetuses” in foods or food-related research, publicly accessible patent documents show that at least one major food research company in the U.S. is using cells derived from an aborted fetus in flavor enhancing research. On Tuesday, Oklahoma  Senator Ralph Shortey , R-Oklahoma City, introduced  Senate Bill 1418 , which prohibits “the sale or manufacture of food or products which contain aborted human fetuses,” or which “used aborted human fetuses in the research or development of any of the ingredients.” “There is a potential that there are companies that are using aborted human babies in their research and development of basically enhancing flavor for artificial flavors,...

Practical Solutions to Juvenile School Violence

Author: James E. Buchanan, III CEO/Information Architect  School violence is an egregiously grim subject matter; that has managed to most recently steal the center stages of Mass-Media in the United States of America. Just this past decade, there has been a marked-up swing, in not only the frequency of school violence, but also in the severity of each subsequent attack. Parents, school officials, law enforcement professionals, members of the clergy, community activists, and law makers from local, state, and federal government positions across the nation would all resoundingly agree; that if this ever-swelling, cancerous lesion of school violence continues to fester unchecked, then the future of our modern-day public school system will evolve into nothing more than a playground for hardened criminals. The solution to this modern-day onslaught of school violence will never be a cut and dry task by any means. The local, state, and federal communities must all bind...
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