A Truth is Light Q and A Session with an Official Mormon Representative
Author: J.E. Buchanan, III
CEO/Information Architect
This is the last part of our three part series; of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. We have labored heavily, here at Truth is Light, to bring clarity, honesty, brevity and illumination on the core origins, true belief system and mind-control methodologies of the leaders within the Mormon faith.
We pray and trust that you have been enamored with these truths, if you were not knowledgeable before; and, much more, encouraged if you were already aware of the demonic influence that this church denomination has exercised within North America for well over 150 years.
At the End of the Age, it is our most sincere mission, at Truth is Light, to continue speaking the truth in love; and also to continue, forcefully, speaking truth to the evil, powers that lurk within the hidden realms of the blackness of darkness.
The following exchange is from a conversation that one of our staffers had with an official representative of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints:
ATTN: L.D.S. Staff
I am in the process of doing extremely invasive research
for a series of articles about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
My 3 part question for you is this:
A. It is a well established fact that
Joseph Smith and Brigham Young were Freemasons. Is this fact addressed within
any of the official L.D.S. media outlets or official memoirs?
B. The god of
Freemasonry is not the GOD of the Holy Bible. Understanding this fact, why were
Joseph Smith and Brigham Young raised as Freemasons in the first place?
C. Does
the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints teach that Jesus the Christ is
the brother of Lucifer/Satan?
Thanks in advance for your expeditious reply.
Response Team Member (R.K.):
You sent us several questions about a month ago - we apologize for being so
slow in responding. Sometimes we just get swamped and fall behind,
especially in and around General Conference time. I will try and answer
your questions:
1) Here are several sources from official Church publications that
mention Joseph Smith's Masonic involvement:
The History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - 6 vols (1970
edition). You will find mentions of Joseph Smith and masonry in Vol 4
(pgs 550-552, 565-566) and Vol 5 (pgs 41, 370)
[The Joseph Smith Papers site is in
progress, we are only starting to put much of the material from the 1840's
online, more is forthcoming. Here is just one example of what to expect:
Joseph Smith's journal from Dec 1841-Dec 1842 appears to be in the process of
being published, and will have more citations concerning Masonry]
2) Joseph Smith was not "raised as a Freemason". Joseph
did not become a mason until the 1840's in Nauvoo. The Church makes no
claims or statements about the "God" that freemasonry mentions or
"believes" in. The Church has no official connection or
association with freemasonry. If members choose to become Freemasons for
the fraternal and social benefits, that is their choice.
3) The Church teaches that in the Pre-Existence there were many,
countless many, Spirit Children of our Heavenly Father. These included
Jesus, you and me, and Lucifer. Then, when Heavenly Father brought forth
his great Plan of Salvation, many of his Spirit Children, led by Lucifer,
rebelled, rejected the Father's Plan, and fell from grace and glory, and were
expelled from Heaven. Lucifer is just as much your Spirit brother as he
is Jesus’.
Good luck on your "invasive" research and articles. Please take
advantage of the material and content we publish here on LDS.org.
Response Team Volunteer - RK
Thanks so much for replying to my research questions; it is greatly
RK, I do have some comments and follow-up questions for you to respond to:
1) Joseph Smith and Brigham Young were, in fact, raised as Freemasons. The only
difference between Joseph Smith's entry into the fraternity and Brigham Young's
entry is the fact that Joseph Smith was made a, "Mason at Sight", which
done very seldom within The Craft.
2) RK, you stated that, "The Church has no official connection or
association with freemasonry." Taking this at face value, R.K., there is
documented evidence that many of the pass-grips, tokens, penalties and rituals
that are used within the Freemason Lodge, presently, are also used within the
LDS Temple.
3) RK, could you please expand, much further, on the Church's teaching on
Thanks in advance for your response.
Hi again. I'll try once more to respond to your questions.
1) Joseph Smith "raised" a Freemason. This kind of question is
typical of arguments by people on the Internet blogs. First of all, what
do you mean "raised" a Freemason? I know almost nothing about Freemasonry, but it is my understanding they don't initiate someone into
freemasonry until they are adults. I too have read that Hyrum Smith was a Freemason long before Joseph was, and perhaps (I do not know) Joseph's father,
Joseph Sr., was also a Freemason. Do you mean that Joseph was
"raised" in a family environment that accepted Freemasonry as
something valuable or sociable, etc...? At any point, the real issue is
"when did Joseph Smith Jr. become a Freemason?" I am not an
historian, and the issue of Freemasonry is about 345th on my list of
interesting things about Joseph Smith, but I recall in the past reading that he
joined freemasonry in the 1840's in Nauvoo.
You, on the other hand, may
have read something somewhere that states Joseph was "raised"a Freemason (whatever that means) or that he also joined Freemasonry long before
Nauvoo. So, the real question is, what sources are you using, and what
sources I am using? And then, how do you rate those sources as
"reliable", "possibly reliable", or
"unreliable"...? Even that doesn't always solve the problem -
you and I could look at the same source, and based on our knowledge,
background, beliefs, and biases, you would call this source
"reliable" and I might call it "unreliable", or vice versa this is, of course, valuable, and I strongly suggest that if
this subject interests you that you make an exhaustive search of the statements
and accounts, both by non-Mormon and Mormon sources, and then come to some
reasonable method of judging the reliability of these sources (I mean, be able
to defend your choices), and so on. I only make two suggestions:
that you make a thorough check of ALL reports and their sources, including
those published by faithful LDS scholars and historians, and not just those you
read in some anti-Mormon book or website, and... 2) that you exercise a little
patience, and come back to LDS.org over and over again to familiarize yourself
with the materials we are slowly but steadily publishing in our Joseph Smith
Papers project.
2) Freemasonry and our Temples. If you know anything about our
Church you know that our Temples, and the ordinances we perform within them,
are sacred to us, and they are not subjects of open discussion outside the
Temples. Period.
Having said that, I will speak personally. I am not that
interested in 19th Century American history myself, though I have read much on
the subject. I have read two "histories" of Masonry, purporting
to discuss the origins of freemasonry going back to Solomon's Temple (I am
aware that most Masons no longer even believe in this themselves...) My
own personal interests run more to Ancient civilizations, Ancient peoples and
histories, and Ancient religious beliefs and practices. I am not an expert,
or even trained in these subjects - I am a complete amateur. But I have
read extensively on these subjects for over 30 years now, and I have regularly
attended the Temple dozens and dozens of times, and I have now a stronger
conviction and surety of opinion about the sacred and eternal nature of the
Temple ordinances, and of their ancient origins, patterns, and sanctity, then
ever before in those 30 years of study and Temple attendance. For what
that is worth to you.
3) Pre-existence. Most of what we know about this comes
directly from Joseph Smith's teachings, which are not extensive. There
are scriptural references which make sense to us, though they are interpreted
differently by other Christians and Jews. Hebrews 12:9 reminds us that
God is the "Father of our Spirits". We take this to be a far
different thing than being the one who "created us out of
nothing". God asked Job (Job 38:4-7) "where were you" when
"the morning stars sang together and all the sons of God shouted for
joy"? Who are these "sons of God" (in Hebrew these are the
"Elohim", the "gods" or "sons of god"), who were
there at the time of creation? And God's question to Job is always
interpreted by other Christians and Jews as meaning "you weren't even
around yet - I hadn't even created you!", while we Latter-day Saints
understand this to be God saying "remember, you were there too, and you
were happy and looked forward to the creation, along with all the other 'sons
of God!."
Probably the best short description of our beliefs can be found in our
Gospel Topic subject, The Plan of Salvation, here:
And you can also start at our Topical guide on the entry for
"Preexistence" here:
and our Guide to the Scriptures gives more scriptural references we find
compelling here:
And, of course, the best scriptural reference of all is in our Book of Abraham,
Ch 3.
I hope you find all this helpful. Thank you again,
Response Team Volunteer - RK
I would like to thank you again for your most expeditious response.
1) As to my questions concerning Joseph Smith, Jr. being "raised" and
made a "Freemason at Sight" and how it pertains to the Mormon
R.K., being raised around The Craft myself for decades, it is the understood
practice, throughout all of Freemasonry, that a candidate, of their own
free-will and accord, is, "raised", during secret initiation
ceremonies. It is also my further understanding that Joseph was made a,
"Freemason at Sight", in Nauvoo, IL; after being made a Mason at Sight, he also founded the Nauvoo Masonic Lodge and served as its Worshipful Master.
R.K., it was not my intention to try and confuse you with meaningless jargon
from various Mormon or Anti-Mormon sources. During my research process, I am
using a plethora of resources; and weighing out the evidence decently and in
order. It is my quest to find the core exhaustive truth for myself; wherever
that road may lead me to.
2) Concerning the Church's sacred Temple ordinances, I do understand that they
are reserved for and shared only by members of the Latter Day Saint faith.
Having extensive knowledge of The Craft and also the close relationship of the
many pass-grips, tokens, passwords, signs, phrases etc., found within the
Mormon faith, it is not secret, by any account to me, the eternal, spiritual
relationship that the Mormon faith shares with the religion of Freemasonry.
Similar to you, in limited respects, I am a student of world religions; and
their individual and collective effects on the Novus Ordo Seclorum in which the
world now lives.
3) Thank you very much for your further information about the dogma of
Pre-existence. I am going to put in a lot of research on that.
Thanks So Much,
No problem at all! You've been very kind, and I hope I haven't offended
you in any way by anything I wrote.
It is our undying prayer and hope, at Truth is Light, that you have enjoyed our 3-part series on the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Regardless of your religious belief, denomination, affiliation or lack thereof, please research the information and evidence that we have presented and make your own, personal conclusion; always ensuring that you perform the proper due diligence for yourself.
The truth is the light... as long as you make the conscious choice to walk and dwell within the light.
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